One down and one to go... the holidays are here. For some that brings joys of family time and fond memories. I would count myself in that group, but admit I also have memories of exhaustion having done all of the cooking, all of the decorating, all of the shopping, all of the mailing, all of the cards, etc. When my children were growing up, I WAS TIRED especially by Christmas. I survived and so will the next generation who seem to do things more simply and therefore with less stress. I still saw the lines of fatigue etched on Whitney's face at the end of Thanksgiving. She had done a beautiful job of hosting Thanksgiving not only for our immediate family but she had included two friends and their families and her mother and sister in law. She never complained of being tired. Neither did I all of those years ago. I hope she looks back and remembers the holidays fondly.
This is the first big holiday without Papa. Last Thanksgiving he came to my house for the last time. Even then I knew it would be the last visit to my home. He struggled to get into the bathroom. Needed help in the bathroom and was challenged at every turn. I knew it simply wasn't worth his effort to come here again. At this season I am missing him the most so far. I found remnants of ornaments I had made to brighten his nursing home room. When we smoked 6 turkey breasts and put them in the freezer for sandwich meat, I knew my dad would be proud. The same freezer was full of butter beans carefully frozen and taken in suitcases to Memphis. I use the meat fork he always used when carving a roast or turkey. I say "sugarbabe" and think of him. I embrace my family and try to be helpful and I think of both of my parents. We spent most of our holidays alone without extended family, but when we lived in Memphis my parents started coming the day after Christmas. We looked forward to their arrival almost as much as the arrival of Santa. I have those memories that I cherish. Hopefully my children and grandchildren will have cherished memories as well. Above all I hope my children get some rest and do not look back on the holidays with gratitude that they are OVER.
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